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Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Hannah & Sophie

Photo of a big bunny  rabbit!
Photo of a big bunny  rabbit!Photo of a big bunny  rabbit!Photo of a big bunny  rabbit!Photo of a big bunny  rabbit!

Two of my favourite ladies teamed up to take these gorgeous photos on a lazy Sunday in Brooklyn with Hannah in front of the lens and Sophie behind it. I love the idea that two friends can get together on a whim and make photo's this magical. It sort of takes away from the idea that art, especially photography, has to be this scripted thing with every detail planned out. This philosophy might also stem from the fact that I'm just incredibly lazy (:

Happy Tuesday all!


  1. Such pretty photographs! I love the in-the-moment feel.

  2. Beautiful talented ladies. . . .enough to make you sick with envy!!! Or just very inspired :)
    Jess x

  3. These are so beautiful, dreamy & magical looking :) They really make you feel something wonderful :)
