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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A walk in the garden.

Photo of a big bunny rabbit!

Photo of a big bunny rabbit!

Photo of a big bunny rabbit!

Images by the amazing Igor Termenon.

I have one exam left which I'm writing on Friday so I have Wednesday & Thursday free. I'm sorry if I've been boring you all with the exam updates every post but it's consumed my life for the past while now, however on Friday they'll be finished and I'll have a month of summer sunshine to talk to you all about!


  1. Your hair is SOO beautiful, so long and curly I am jealous!

  2. I wish you all the luck with your exams, I am in the same situation too, it can be quite exhausting :)
    I like Igor's pictures I have just discovered him on the blog on notcommonpeople ^^
